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Disposable ENT Premium Surgery Drape Kit


Disposable ENT Premium Surgery Drape Kit
This disposable ENT pack is specifically designed for hospital ENT procedures. It includes everything required to carry out ENT surgical procedures. Each ENT drape pack consists of a procedure-specific ENT drape sheet and other surgical supplies. For example, an ENT split drape, a back table cover, and so on. Our pack is sterile to save time and cost on operating room setup.
Disposable sterile Non-Woven Surgical ENT Pack  used for safety during surgery performed by a medical therapy unit department. The disposable surgical ENT pack contains all of the non-woven drapes required for the ENT operation and can provide one-time protection during the operation. ENT surgical drapes have a unique design drapes are specifically designed for ENT surgery. It aids in the reduction of exposure during ENT procedures. It makes patients and medical staff feel more comfortable, safe, and secure. This ENT surgical drape is the main drape in the ENT surgical kit.

Product Size count
Surgeon Gown R.I – For Surgeon XL 1 no
Surgeon Gown R.I – For Staffs Large 2 nos
Surgeon Hand Towel Regular 1 no
ENT Surgery Hole Drapes 160cm X 225cm 1 no
Side Towel Absorbent 120cm X 90cm 3 nos
Side Towel Absorbent with Hole 120cm X cm 1 no
Hand Towel 30cm X 30cm 2 nos
Trolley Sheet 180cm X 160cm 1 no
Mayo Trolley Cover 80cm X 110cm 1 no
Cautery Bag 11in X 11in 1 no
Poly Sheet 160cm X 120cm 1 no
Release Strips 10 Inches 4 nos


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